How to Make Mullein Oil for Earaches

Mullein oil is an effective solution to different ears problems, since it works directly against viruses. Mullein oil can be made at home. The process is neither difficult nor time consuming. You just need to follow certain steps to make the oil. Make sure you take all the required ingredients in the prescribed quantity, and then blend them properly. You can use the oil for a longer run, it is an effective solution for almost all small ear problems. It is particularly effective solution for earaches.
Collection of fresh Mullein flowers is the first step. You can either harvest Mullein flowers or collect them from market. However, it is not difficult to grow Mullein, the flowers can grow quickly. The process is not time consuming either.
Put the flowers in a jar, until it is filled with flowers. Let the jar be filled naturally, do not push flowers in the jar, it will break the flowers, and might affect the oil taking process.
After filling the jar with flowers, take a fork to macerate the flowers so they release the oil. Do not smash the flowers to a certain extent. The flowers are very small and can be broken and the straining process can spoil the entire process.
After maceration of the flowers, add olive oil in a sufficient quantity so that the flowers are submerged. Stir the mixture until it is mixed together. Make sure that no bubble appears on the surface in the jar. You can stir the mixture with a fork or with a slim strip of wood.
After stirring the mixture, let the jar in the window for about three to five days. This will allow the flowers to get meshed properly and let the oil get stronger.
After the oil is mixed thoroughly, strain the oil with a tea ball or a small piece of cloth. It is better to strain in a wide pot before pouring into a bottle. After transfer of the oil in the bottle, cover it with the cap, and keep it in a cool and dry place. You can use the oil whenever you have earaches. Do not use excessive oil as it can damage ear drum or might cause any other problem.