How To Make Over a Mirror Frame and Wall Panel

If you are looking for addition decor, consider making over a mirror frame and wall panel which is quite simple to do, provided you know the right way to do it.

Things Required:

– Painter’s tape
– Fine sandpaper
– Primer
– Paint
– Brushes
– Paper towels
– Spray bottle
– Water
– Pencil
– Level
– Eraser


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    Apply painter’s tape along the inside boundary of the mirror frame. This will avoid paint stains or other minor damage to the mirror itself in the steps to come. Sand the mirror frame using fine sandpaper after you have tapped off the mirror.

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    Apply a uniform coat of primer with foam brushes. Let the primer coat dry. When the primer is dry, it is time to apply a coat of paint. Use Copper Metallic colour to paint the mirror frame. While painting, remember to use uniform strokes. You do not want the frame to look as if it was painted in patches. Let the paint coat dry before proceeding to the next step.

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    Now it is time to add some texture to the mirror frame. Apply a uniform custom dark brown layer of paint to the frame and give it time to set. Just before the dark brown layer of paint dries, spray some water on it using a spray bottle. Gently wipe off the new paint layer using a paper towel. The Copper Metallic background and the Custom Dark Brown layers of paint create a rich texture. Water spots give the mirror an antique look.

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    Draw wall panels using a level and a lead pencil and place painter’s tape along the pattern, buffing it with the edge of an eraser. Make sure that the tape is burnished properly into place to avoid paint from seeping under it.

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    Paint the room walls Richmond Gold. Before the paint on the walls dries completely, pull off the tape that you had applied in the earlier step. This will reveal the panel pattern and your room will seem as if it has got additional space out of no where. You have successfully completed the task at hand.

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