How to Make Paste Wax for Furniture

Wax can be used for a variety of purposes. One of these is to give finishing touches to wooden furniture as it adds a lot of shine and extends the life of your items. There are many products that are available in the market for this purpose. However, they have harsh chemicals which may not be good for your health as they can cause allergies.

The remedy for this is to make your own wax paste for furniture which works perfectly well without having the potential side effects from the commercial furniture wax. It is simple to make and can be easily done at home.

Things Required:

– One third cup of bee’s wax
– One cup of olive oil
– 10 drops of any essential oil of your choice
– Microwave oven or stove
– Pyrex Container or Double Boiler


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    Melt Bee’s Wax

    Microwave the bee’s wax for one minute initially and then for 15 second increments until it is totally melted. Make sure that you use a microwaveable container, ideally made from Pyrex as it is best for this type of application. You can also melt it on the stove in a double boiler. Do make sure that it is totally melted before you proceed to the next step.

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    Add Oil and Bee’s Wax

    Now take the melted bee’s wax and add it to the olive oil. Stir the two properly in order to make sure that you are able to make a solution that is uniform in nature. Mix the two in the same Pyrex container that was used in the microwave. Use a wooden spoon to stir as plastic can melt in the high temperature solution.

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    Add Essential Oil

    Now add the 10 drops of the essential oil of your choice to create a pleasant fragrance to your wax paste for the furniture. Once again, mix the solution well to make sure that the elements gel properly together.

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    The next step is to store the solution for current as well as future uses. You should ideally use a large container made from glass which can be sealed air tight. Place it away from direct sunlight as you do not want your wax to get extremely hard.

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