How to Make your Friends Trust You

In order to develop a bond between yourself and your friend, you need to make him or her trust you. There is no need to think of this as a difficult task, as with some simple guidelines and useful tips, you can easily make your friends trust you. The process might be fast in some cases, but trust usually develops slowly, with the passage of time. It is vital for you to make your friends trust you, so that they can rely on you during times of trouble and vice versa.


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    Be trustworthy

    It is important for you to let others know that you are trustworthy. Keep in mind that trust is a big risk and you need to trust your friend instead of staying on guard all the time. In order to let others know that you are trustworthy, you should not break any promises which you make to anyone. If you break your promise, you need to give others a genuine reason which prevented you from keeping your promise.

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    Be kind

    You are required to be kind to the other person. This is because kindness plays a vital role in developing and maintaining trust between two people. In addition to this, it provides compassion and support to the other person, and shows that you respect and value them.

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    Be humble

    It is strongly recommended that you be humble even if it is hard at times. This is a good way to assure a new buddy that you are not mean or arrogant. If you are humble, your new buddy will think of you as an easy person to like and will eventually trust you.

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    Avoid being demanding

    Keep in mind that friendship is about giving and taking. You should refrain from expressing your problems too often and taking up all of your friend's time. This is because it is difficult to gain trust if you demand a lot of time and energy from the other person.

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    Talk on the phone

    You should talk to your friend on the phone often. This is to get him or her to open up to you and share new thoughts and things with you. You need to ask your friend questions in a way that encourages him or her to freely express his/her feelings. When your new buddy starts revealing what he or she is feeling, they will eventually start trusting you.

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    Share with your friends

    You should share your ideas, dreams and your time with your friends - let them know that you value them enough to share secrets with them. This is one of the best ways of making your friends trust you.

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