How to Recognize Fair Housing Discrimination

Housing discrimination remains on the rise in the US, where the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recognizes the failure to report a discriminatory act as the biggest problem. For this purpose, it is important for individuals to study HUD related laws in order to understand the illegal activities of their landlords, under the Fair Housing Act. If unfairly treated, you can take your case to a HUD certified agent, who will then look in to the matter and help you out.  The Federal Housing Act has listed various categories which prohibit discriminatory practices. These include race, color, origin, religion, family status, sex, or disability.


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    Race, color or sex

    Although discrimination over race or color has considerably reduced over the years, it will be false to assume that it is entirely eliminated. If your landlord is refusing to rent or sell a house just because you are black, then you are entitled to take legal action. Furthermore, a landlord cannot discriminate against you on the basis of your sex either. Moreover, tenants have the right to choose whether they want to live in the upper-story or ground floor.

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    A landlord cannot discriminate against an individual based on national origin. Although a landlord is permitted to obtain the proof of your citizenship, he or she cannot practice this notion based on your ethnicity. A uniform criterion must be applied when choosing tenants.

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    If you are disabled, your landlord does not have the right to stop you from making any changes to the residence. The federal law clearly states that financial stability rather than disability should be the criteria for a landlord when evaluating a tenant. Moreover, a landlord is prohibited from asking for medical records and must be willing to accommodate the demands of the disabled person. However, the tenant may be required to put the house in its original state before moving out.

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    Family Status

    Landlords cannot exercise the right to choose a tenant on the basis of family status. Moreover, they cannot discriminate on the basis of age either . Most landlords generally prefer bachelors and newly married couples rather than families with kids or older people. However, under the Fair Housing Act, as well as the Housing for Old Persons Act, landlords cannot exclude families based on ages or number of people.

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