How to Remove Mats from an Unwilling Cat

Cats are particular about cleanliness and generally tend to groom themselves, but sometimes certain felines, particularly breeds with longer fur (such as Persians) can tend to develop mats in their fur. In addition to appearing untidy and unsightly, mats can be unhygienic as these trap dirt and bacteria, leading to skin infections. It is important to monitor your cat’s coat regularly, and if you detect any mats, a de-tangling and grooming session is in order, whether your kitty likes it or not.

Things Required:

– Cat fur brush
– Mat rake
– Manicure Scissors
– Kitty treats


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    Since the procedure can be troublesome and upsetting for a feline, approach your cat for the de-matting only when she/he is in a calm frame of mind. This can be right after the kitty has eaten and is settling down to relax.

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    Maintain a soothing and reassuring attitude. Sit down next to your cat, and start stroking her, running your fingers through the fur in a regular motion. This will not only soothe your feline, but also give you the opportunity to judge how many areas of the coat are matted.

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    If you detect mats that are bigger than your thumb, do not attempt to remove these yourself – the situation is out of your hands and you will need a professional groomer to step in and take care of things. However, if they are smaller, continue combing through with your fingers until you’ve determined where most of them are.

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    Pick up the cat fur brush, and run it through your feline’s coat. Brush all the fur around the mat, and de-tangle most of it, but do not attempt to brush through the mats – leave them be as you work on the rest of the coat.

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    Next, pick up the mat rake – this is a grooming tool which serves the purpose of gradually and delicately breaking down mats in animal fur. Using this, start working on de-matting your kitty. Focus on one matted area at a time – first, work on the top layer of the mat, and then start going in deeper. Take it one layer at a time so you don’t alarm your cat, and make it easier for yourself.

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    If the mat is an exceptionally stubborn one, it might be time to break out the manicure scissors. Try to avoid this (it’s better to take your cat to the professional groomer), but if you must, use kitty treats to pacify your cat, and then snip away small amounts so it can be easier to break the mat apart.

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    Once all the mats have been broken up, run the brush through your kitty’s fur again, to smooth the coat and get rid of any dead hair, and fur that has fallen out. Reward your cat with another treat, and consider purchasing hairball treatments, or feeding the feline some butter, to keep the coat as tangle-free as possible in the future.

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