How to Search in an Online Library Catalog

Searching in an online library catalogue provides great comfort and convenience to users. The days when a potential user has to wander in the library racks and search for books are long gone. With the recent progress in technology, the individuals do not have to visit the library and look out for the books themselves. In fact, they can check the availability and location of books in the library by typing the correct words. Nevertheless, one should use best words to improve his search for the book in a library catalogue.


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    Gain familiarity with computers

    In order to use an online library catalogue, it is of utmost importance that you should gain familiarity with computers. Remember that you must enhance your know-how of the computer related stuff and you should be able to easily use computer applications. If you lack any of these, it is strongly suggested that you firm your grip over these otherwise you will face problems in using online library catalogue.

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    Know the name of the book

    In order to perform your search in a convenient manner, you must know about the full name of the book. Remember that if you do not know about the name of the book or have a little idea about the main word of the title, then there is a slight possibility that you will be able to find the book but of course, it will require a lot of time. On the contrary, if you know the name of the book, then it will become considerably easier for you to search the book as the search guide will directly route you to the link.

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    Remember the name of the author

    The next important thing is to know the name of the author. It is often observed that several writers have focused on a similar subject matter. Due to this, some books are often observed to have similar titles. Therefore, if you want to get the book of right author, you must know about his name and enter that before running the search.

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    Know the edition

    If there are multiple editions of the book and you want to buy a specific one, then you must be aware of the edition which you intend to buy. If you want to buy the latest edition, you just have to write the author name and book’s title and you will be displayed all the editions.

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