How to Send Free SMS Anywhere in the World!

Let me guess when you were in your home country and had friend and family there, you were addictive to send SMS.  What happened now!! Are you a student in any foreign country or you left your home country for work? How you send sms to your friend and family back home? Isn’t it costing you much to send a single sms back to your country? Please do not work just to pay your phone bills that are hiking because of your addiction.


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    All you need is to have a Symbian, android or an ios device. If you have one then it is good, if you don’t have one than buy any cheap device either a phone or a tablet.

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    You will need an active Internet connection either WiFi, GPRS or 3G.

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    If you own an iPhone, go to App store and search for “Jaxter sms”, it is a free app. Install this app.

    If you own an android phone, go to market and search for “Jaxter sms”, it is a free app. Install this app.

    If you own any Symbian device, go to Ovi store and search for “Jaxter sms”, it is a free app. Install this app.

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    Registration: Once you are done with the installation. Tap on Jaxtrsms icon. The first page will ask you for registration, provide your first and last name, select the country you are residing in and enter you mobile no. (Mobile no. is important because recipient of your sms will get your number to identify you).

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    Once you are done with registration, you will get a confirmation sms message from Jaxtrsms. In new window you can see options to create new message, you can also see your contacts in the list to send them messages.

    All done now you are free to send sms anywhere in the world!

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