How to Use the Marini Lash for Longer Eyelashes

While science dictates that the amount of hair follicles we are born with cannot be increased or decreased, the quest for thicker hair remains among the top priorities in the world of cosmetics. A particular concern is the desire for thicker, longer lashes, and a wide array of products are available for achieving this, among them the Marini Lash from Jan Marini Skin Research.
A more natural alternative to products like eyelash extensions, false eyelashes, and lengthening and volumising mascaras, the FDA-approved Marini Lash works to stimulate the growth of your natural eyelashes, and promises to make them longer and thicker.
Things Required:
– Marini Lash from Jan Marini
– Eye makeup remover
– Cotton balls
To begin, make sure your eyelashes are free of any makeup residue, and if you are wearing false eyelashes, or eyelash extensions, remove these. Put a small dab of eye makeup remover on a cotton ball, and swipe this over your eyelids and eyelashes, to rid them of any remaining mascara, liner, or eye shadow. If there is makeup clinging to your lashes, the Marini Lash will have little to no effect on them, so make sure you remove it all.
Then, use a clean cotton ball to dry your lashes and the area around your eye completely. Make sure you do all this right before you go to bed, as this is the recommended time for applying the product. It needs to stay on overnight, so that it can have the maximum amount of effect possible, and stimulate eyelash growth as you sleep.
Now, close your eye, and swipe on a thin layer of Marini Lash, as close to your upper lash line as you can take it, near the same area where you would normally apply eyeliner, or false lashes. Do not apply too much – the key is to lightly coat your lashes with it, not leave them dripping with the product. Once you have finished applying it to one eye, proceed to apply it in a similar manner on your other eye.
When you wake up in the morning, remove the Marini Lash and cleanse the area thoroughly, using an eye makeup remover, and then your daily face wash. Continue applying the product on a daily basis at night, and by the end of two weeks of regular use, you should begin to notice a difference.