How to Wear a Polo Shirt

They way a person dresses tells a lot about him or her. The sense of clothing is a representative of the personality and the state of mind of the given person. Some people try to make clear statements by the way they dress.

There are some common options that are preferred by most people. When it comes to shirts, Polo shirts are probably one of the top options. It’s a bit of a cross between the traditional dress shirt and the T-shirt, adding the best of both worlds.

Wearing it is simple but wearing is correctly is entirely a different art. One must keep in mind a few things to ensure that he or she is wearing it rightly and it is adding to their good lucks rather than taking them away.


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    Shirt Style

    The polo shirts come in the same design with collars made from soft materials. These shirts are generally half sleeved, though some come with full sleeves as well.

    The print designs can plain as well as checked and in a wide range of colours.

    Do not hesitate to try different options and be bold in your selection of colours; it will add to your style.

    Bright colours particularly look quite good in polo shirts. You can also experiment with various check designs that you generally do not wear to see how they look.

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    Polo shirts come with two buttons. Ideally button the lower one and leave the collar button open. If you are someone who is really slim, you can then button it as it will look good.

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    Tucking in

    Polo shirts are best when they are not tucked in, unless off course you have no tummy fat what so ever. An inch or two below the belt line is the ideal position in most cases. You can experiment and see if the rule works for you or not.

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    The Jacket

    Many people wear buttoned jackets with polo shirts. The combination looks quite well and should be tried. However, it is best that the buttoned jacket is plain and does not bear any kind of patterns on it.

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    The Pants

    Polo shirts are mostly worn with dressed pants and they look really well together. You can also wear them with plain jeans by carefully contrasting the colours. Lighter colored jeans look great with polo shirts.

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    The Sweater and the Hat

    A plain sleeveless sweater and a woolen headgear will look great and add immense stature to your persona. These can be added to the attire during the early winters when it suits  the weather as well.

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