How to Write Compound Sentences

Making a longer sentence by joining two shorter sentences together is known as a compound sentence. This can become essential when it is seen that your work is filled with sentences that are too short and can be joined together to sound better when read out loud. In regards to writing, it is all about the flow, otherwise ideas can get easily mixed up and it will look like you have just jotted down thoughts instead of compiling them together in an efficient manner.

With the use of commas, semi-colons, simple sentences and grammatical tools, writing compound sentences can be an easy task to do.


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    Coordinating Conjunction

    Using coordinating conjunctions is a great way and very important when writing compound sentences. The most widely used ones are and, but, or, so, yet, nor and for. They should all be used by placing commas in front of them to stretch a sentence beyond the limit it usually would be. At the end, it should make sense when you read it out and not be too long as to not being able to read it out without taking a number of breaths.

    “I love my dog” is “I love my dog, but my cat is also special to me”.

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    Instead of linking coordinating conjunctions, it is possible to stretch a sentence by the use of a semi-colon as well, but the use of this tool is not as easy as the previously mentioned one. When the use of and, but, nor or any of the others is not of the need, then using a semi-colon is preferred.

    “I want to eat Chinese food; my mother also likes it very much”.

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    Conjunctive Adverbs

    Adverbs like then, later, also, besides, finally and however are known to be conjunctive adverbs. These are great and can be used with both semi-colons and a comma, with the former being before the word and the latter being placed after it.

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    Transitional Expressions

    Continuing a sentence to keep it interesting can be done using transitional expressions to change the flow from one idea to another. This can be done through the use of words like after all, for example and in other words.

    Usually, these words will have a semi-colon before them and a comma after them like in the case of conjunctive adverbs.

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