Public & National Holidays in Hong Kong

After 100 years of British rule, the territory of Hong Kong was handed over to the People’s Republic of China. The administrative region is well-known for it’s cultural diversity, being dubbed as a place where East meets West.


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    Holidays in January

    1st – New Year’s Day

    Hong Kong is particularly famous for its fireworks on New Year’s Eve. The New Year’s Day is declared as a public holiday by the local administrative authority.

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    Holidays in February

    10, 11 & 12th – Chinese New Year

    The Chinese New Year is one of the most important Chinese traditional holidays. The Lantern festival is also a part of the New Year festivities, being celebrated on the 15th of the first month of the Chinese calendar.

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    Holidays in March

    29th – Good Friday

    It’s a Christian Holy Day that marks the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This day has great importance in the Christian religion, and is observed as a day of grief among the Christian community.

    30th – Holy Saturday

    The Good Friday is followed by the Holy Saturday, which commemorates the death of Jesus Christ. It’s the last day of the Holy Week when Christians prepare for the Easter. It was on this very day when Jesus Christ’s body was laid in his tomb.

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    Holidays in April

    1st – Easter Monday

    This date commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    4th – Ching Ming Festival

    Also known as Ancestors’ Day, this is the day when the locals visit the tombs and burial grounds of their ancestors to pay them homage.

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    Holidays in May

    1st – Labour Day

    It’s an annual holiday to celebrate the achievements of workers. It’s also known as International Worker’s Day in some countries.

    17th – Buddha’s Birthday

    A major Buddhist religious occasion for the followers of the religion, it’s widely believed that Buddha was born on this date. The Buddhists pray and hope to follow the teachings of Buddha in their future, specially his principles of simplicity, peace and charity.

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    Holidays in June

    12th – Dragon Boat Festival

    The Dragon Boat Festival is another Chinese traditional holiday being celebrated in Hong Kong. On this day the locals feast on rice cuisines and racing on dragon boats to celebrate the occasion.

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    Holidays in July

    1st – Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day

    This day marks the transfer of the administration of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom to the People’s Republic of China.

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    Holidays in September

    20th – Day following the Mid-Autumn Festival

    The day is observed as a harvest festival by different Southeast Asian nations, being celebrated on the 15th of the eighth month of the Chinese calendar.

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    Holidays in October

    1st – National Day

    This day commemorates the formation of People’s Republic of China, being also known as the National Day. A great fireworks display takes place on the National Day’s Eve, which is a stunning spectacle for the locals.

    13th – Chung Yeung Festival

    There is a common misperception of ‘9’ being a dangerous number in Chinese tradition. This Chung Yeung Festival is celebrated on the 9th day of the 9th month of the Chinese calendar, so that they people may save themselves from potential danger. It’s a common practice to drink chrysanthemum wine and climb high mountains to protect one from harm.

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    Holidays in December

    25th – Christmas Day

    Like in most parts of the world, Christmas is also celebrated in Hong Kong. Christmas is declared as an official holiday in the region due the influence of their former rulers, the United Kingdom.

    26th – Boxing Day

    The day is observed as a holiday in the commonwealth nations, when servants and subordinates receive gifts from their superiors. Businesses including banks are generally closed on this day, with the exception of grocery stores and restaurants.

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