How to Improve Your Relationship with Your Child’s Teacher

It doesn’t matter if you like your child’s teacher or not. The two of you will have to communicate at some point during the school year. And, yes, there will be times when the two of you won’t agree. However, both you and your child’s teacher will have to learn how to work together if the student is going to succeed. Are you wondering what you can do to make talking to your child’s teacher easier? Use the following tips to make parent-teacher conferences and other meetings more successful.
Stay Calm
No matter how mad or upset you are, don’t talk to your child’s teacher in a condescending or threatening voice. This puts the teacher on the defensive. It makes him or her uncomfortable, and the teacher is less likely to listen to anything that you are saying. Why should you care? You should care because this person is the one who ultimately controls your child’s grades and your child’s learning experience. Although no caring teacher is going to punish your child because of your attitude, it would make things easier if the two of you can keep things on a cordial basis. Allow your child’s teacher to run his or her own classroom. Offer suggestions, but remember that they are suggestions. Treat your child’s teacher the way you would like to be treated.
Control Your Body Language
Monitor your body language. Your body language can send signal. So, when talking to your child’s teacher, watch your facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice. Try not to come across as angry or hostile. Have a calm, pleasant demeanor when you talk to your child’s teacher. This will help keep both you and the teacher in a more receptive mood.
They are Human
Don’t forget that your child’s teacher is human just like you are. He or she makes mistakes like you do and has feelings like you do. So, when there is a problem, allow the teacher a chance to explain what happened. You have heard your child’s side of the story. Now, listen to the teacher’s side. Although it may be tempting to defend your child and insult the teacher, don’t do it.
Also, keep in mind that your child’s teacher does have a life outside of school. Limit the number of phone calls that you make to him or her that are outside of school hours. Try to avoid call on weekends or late Friday evenings. Don’t call after an appropriate hour. Teachers tend to work hard and go to bed early.
The Child is First
Be sure to put your child’s needs first. Both you and your child’s teacher want to ensure that your child receives a quality education. So, set personal feelings aside and focus on what will be best for your child.
Share Details
Share any important information with your child’s teacher. Describe your child’s learning style with his or her teacher. Discuss your child’s interests, strengths, and weaknesses. This can help the teacher better understand and educate your child.
Talking with your child’s teacher is a necessity. Keep the lines of communication open and your relationship with each other positive.