Women and Breast Implants

Women and Breast Implants

Some women love their breast and some do not. For the ones that do they love to wear revealing clothing or just love the way they look. Breasts can make a woman either feel like they need to have plastic surgery or they are just fine the way they are. Plastic surgeons that are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery are uniquely qualified and specially trained.

Women who want to have plastic surgery need to research and think before they go through with it. It takes time and effort to find the right doctor for you. Each state have plastic surgeons that charge a little less or more for the procedure to be do. It can cost about 3,000-10,000 depending on size and what you want to be done. Breast Implants cost about 3,000. Breast lifts cost about 3,500. Breast removal implant cost about 2,900. This is just the doctor’s fee. You need to pay for the medication afterwards and hospital stay. So yes this is something you need to be prepared for.

Some ways to find a plastic surgeon is to:

Research the plastic surgeon boards
Visit with some and ask questions
Word of mouth maybe you know someone who went through with it

There are many in each city and state. You will find one but you have to be sure you feel comfortable with him/her. When you visit with them you will be given the choice of size you would want to be, you should ask questions and make sure you know how you will be affording this procedure. You must be in good health before this surgery and during. A good candidate would be someone who does not smoke, drink and does not have major health conditions, anesthesia complications and have a good exercise lifestyle. Sometimes those who undergo this breast augmentation surgery do not have great results. Some of them end up with sagging breasts, leaking, infections and pain. Some of the risks of this procedure of blood clotting, death, heart attack, brain damage, and abnormal heart rhythm. There is a risk to every operation you undergo. Nothing is safe but you need to know the facts before going through with one.

When you find a plastic surgeon you should have met the following requirements:

Have earned a degree from an accredited medical school
Have at least 2 years of professional practices
Have 2-3 years of general surgery
Have 2-4 years of supervision residency in plastic surgery
Have passed written and oral state exams. They must pass this test.

There are a few ways they can place an implant in a woman. They can place it through the nipple, under the muscle , through the armpit or from the nipple under the breast. It is your option to do it the way you would like it to be done. The plastic surgeon could recommend it the way he sees best. Plastic surgeons use silicone or saline for an implant. Is it your choice and you can see them at your appointment with the plastic surgeon.

Some great plastic surgeons who are highly rated and recommended are:

Dr. Raymond Mossie- Overland Park, KS
Dr. Leland Deane- New York, NY
Dr. David Bryan- Burlington, MA
Barry Davidson- Boston, MA

Some questions to ask plastic surgeons when visiting:

Where will the procedure take place?
How much pain will I be in after surgery?
Can I talk to or phone previous patients?
What are my options and choices?
What are the side effects to any medication I will be on?
How long will this operation take?
How long will they last before replacing them?

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