Apple Is Green Again After Admitting Mistake

11th July 2012 was the date when Apple took the decision to take all its products off EPEAT’s green registry – the national registry of environmentally sound products. But this withdrawal only lasted for a week.

The company came clean after making a confession; a letter from the senior vice president of hardware engineering, Bob Mansfield, was posted on Apple’s website explaining the volte-face. “We’ve recently heard from many loyal Apple customers who were disappointed to learn that we had removed our products from the EPEAT rating system. I recognize that this was a mistake. Starting today, all eligible Apple products are back on EPEAT.”

EPEAT is the abbreviation of Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool – this label is responsible for taking in account all the factors of an electronic device, and ensuring that the product is as green as possible. The factors which are kept in view while registering a device under EPEAT is the rate of energy consumption – is it high? The recycling ability is noticed, and lastly, the processes that are used in the production of the device are reviewed.

While analyzing Apple’s MacBook Pro with Retina Display, EPEAT found that the recycling part is creating an issue and it is impossible to disassemble it.

The reason why Apple backed out form the EPEAT’s Green Registry was not clearly explained, but Mansfield did pay stress on Cupertino Company’s keenness in making green products.

Mansfield wrote in the letter that along with the huge experience, their relationship with EPEAT has become stronger and they would appreciate working with EPEAT, underlying IEEE 1680.1 standard.

Regardless of Apple’s position as environmental-friendly, if we compare Nokia – which is known for being green – with iPhone then iPhone has a huge amount of success. This means Apple’s withdrawal and admitting its mistake will not affect its sale.

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