Business Reminder Email

Timing is everything in business deals and if you find yourself in a situation when the other party is not cooperating then sending a reminder is the best thing to avoid any unwanted issue. This reminder will help make the other party realise that this negligence is unprofessional.

However, you will have to be super cautious while writing this business reminder email as any mistake can harm your relationship. By following a few simple directions, you can draft an effective email.

First of all, make sure that you are putting the right email address of the recipient. You should highlight an effective subject of this email to grab the attention of your addressee.

Use the appropriate salutation to start your email and be straight to the point in the first paragraph. You will want to be courteous but also very professional in your email.

In the next paragraph, give detailed information about the issue. Make the other party realise that their negligence is not professional but do not use harsh language.

In the end, give an impression that you believe this negligence is purely unintentional. Give them a reminder again and then conclude your email with an appropriate closing sentence. Do not forget to mention your name in the end.


  • 1

    Sample of Business Reminder:

    Subject: Business reminder mail

    Dear Sam,

    I am sending this email to remind you about the business contract that you were supposed to sign before 1st of April 2010. There has been no response from your side despite of the fact that the deadline is fast approaching.

    As per the meeting we had on 7th of March, we agreed that our company will provide you all the communication facilities and your company will pay us on a monthly basis. We prepared the contract and I submitted it to you weeks ago. Unfortunately, there has been no reply from your side.

    I hope this is purely unintentional and you will sign the contract and send it back after receiving this email. If you have any reservations then feel free to contact me on 518-901-163.


    Sarah Parker
    Business Head
    Hello Telecom

  • 2

    Template of Business Reminder:

    To: [Email address of the recipient]
    Subject: Business reminder mail

    Dear [Name of the recipient],

    I am sending this email to remind you about [mention the core issue]. As you know, we both agreed on [give details of the contract] and mutual cooperation was needed to accomplish the task.

    Unfortunately, there has been no response from your side and this forced me to knock at your door again.

    I hope you will receive this message in good spirits and respond quickly.

    Thank you.


    [Your Name]
    [Company Name]

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