Earth Day Overview

It is the time we pause and give credit to something we have been taking for granted for so long. The moment has come to repay all the blessings we have been enjoying. A famous quote goes by “you do not value anything until you lose it.” Therefore, we should value this major blessing and celebrate the Earth Day on April 22 with great pomp and show. It is observed all around the globe in order to give tribute to our planet Earth. We can conduct many activities to create awareness about the need to take action to take care of this great gift of nature.
Origin of Earth Day
There was enormous oil spilling in Santa Barbara in 1969, which caused a big threat to environment. In memory of the incident and out of an inspiration from student anti-war movement, Gaylord Nelson (a US Senator) declared 22 April as Earth Day in 1970. With the passage of time, the day got popularity among common masses and presently, the Earth Day is observed on 22nd of April in 175 countries and more than 500 million people participate in it.
Importance of Earth Day
The purpose of observing Earth Day is to appreciate this wonderful planet for all the blessings it provides us with a promise to fight against the pollution damaging it. Besides, the day is also meant to create awareness within the people around the world that the Earth should be kept clean and free from all kinds of threats to maintain its beauty and existence.
Celebrating Earth Day
There can be some celebrations associated with this day to show that how much we love our planet earth. It is a social responsibility of everyone to participate in the celebrations of earth day, which include the following activities.
let us make a promise to fight against the pollution damaging it. Besides, the day is also meant to create awareness within the people around the world that the Earth should be kept clean and free from all kinds of threats to maintain its beauty and existence.
Tea Plantation: A group of students or friends can carry out this activity. A tree can be planted somewhere with a message such as Happy Earth Day.
Clean Up operation: A few people living in an area can conduct this. Just try to remove any garbage from your area and tell the residents to keep their surroundings clean.
Decorate an area: Select a corner in your school, city, or even your house. Plant some flowers and plants in the selected area in order to enhance its natural look.