How to Be Selfless At Work

In today’s world, it is hard to recognize people who are willing to sacrifice their own interest, be it personal or business, and put other’s wishes first. Being selfless at home or with family could be totally different than having a similar attitude at work. For the latter, it can be a tricky affair.

We usually give special attention and effort to how we apply ourselves at work but that is mainly due to the fact that we are already being paid for this. Going beyond your limitations and expectations always come when we are looking to climb up the ladder and trying to impress our bosses. Some devote extra hours in hope that their work will be rewarded, while there are some who truly help others at work, without wanting anything in return. Therefore, you need to balance the act and try to be selfless at work in order to keep others happy, while maintaining your own reputation.


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    Start by taking into account small matters such as car pooling, or food sharing. See if you can offer your colleague a ride back home from the office if he requires one. Picking up lunch when you are out on sales work is also a good option. Also offer help if your co-worker is finding it difficult to complete a task, which was specifically assigned to him.  Seek for such acts of contributions which will go a long way in creating a strong working relationship.

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    Recognize people’s effort by informing them in person. If someone has done something good for the business of the company, make sure to give him a pat on the back. Only do that in meaningful scenarios rather than just praising someone. Also if anyone has not met his/her targets, figure out the reasons and give personal attention so that you fully understand his/her situation rather than just making assumptions. Help them out by recalling the good times and offer assistance if they require.

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    Let people handle work their own way. It is normal that someone’s work ethics will not match yours but it is still important to give them the space they need to handle things the way they want to. Even if it turns out wrong, don’t criticize any one and try to demonstrate a positive attitude. That will help others realize that they have indeed made the wrong choice and will look to avoid it in other work related matters.

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    Also include other when you are making a major decision. However, the final choice will always be yours.

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