How to Become a Public Interest Advocate

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions of your life. There are millions of youngsters all around the world who want to become lawyers, as it is a highly paid and reputable profession. If you want to become a public interest advocate, you need to be very passionate and must have the desire to help people. You have to keep an eye on violations of human rights in all parts of the globe, as public interest advocacy is quite a diverse term.

If you are ambitious and you want to pursue public interest advocacy as your career, you have to follow a certain path in your life and be committed.


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    Have a bright academic career

    Law is an extremely competitive profession and if you want to be a successful public interest advocate, you have to set this as your goal very early in life. Be focussed in your education and try to get good grades throughout your academic career.

    Remember that you need to study in the most reputable institutions if you want have a successful career and it will be possible only if you get the good grades in high-school and college.

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    Human rights

    You must be aware of the rights provided to the citizens all around the world and if they are being violated. Read different books to enhance your knowledge about human rights. Reading stuff about developing countries will help you a great deal.

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    Find a public interest law firm

    Once you are done with your studies, the next big step for you is to find a job to start your career. There are numerous law firms in every big city of the world but you should choose a very credible organization as the first job is always important in an individual’s career.

    Assist your seniors and actively participate in the debates. Whenever you get a chance to go to court with your seniors, observe the proceedings keenly and try to gain maximum experience and knowledge.

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    Be vocal

    If you wish to be a public interest advocate, you have to be very vocal about any violations. Raise your voice at different forums to make sure that the government pays attention to the issues in question.

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    Remain updated about constitutional amendments

    You should have comprehensive knowledge of the constitutions of different countries and certain amendments that take place every now and then, especially the clauses that address women and children.

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