How to Care for Your Feet during winter

Every woman dreams of beautiful and smooth feet. However, not many women pay proper attention to their feet especially in winter. Sensitive skin reacts to the cold winds because the layer of subcutaneous skin is thin.

Taking care of your hands, many women often forget that the feet also require care. This forgetfulness means that the legs especially the feet begin to suffer. Ultimately, you have to deal with cracked heels.

Men pay attention to the woman’s feet only to judge their grooming. So, any woman can create an impression after doing a pedicure.


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    Even if you cannot afford to spend a lot of money on beauty products, you can ensure proper care of your feet. The simplest and cheapest way to care for your heels is to apply an ordinary jelly, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

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    Foot bath can greatly help you in this regard. To soften the water, add a teaspoon of glycerine or a bit of liquid soap or boil 3 tablespoons of chamomile in a glass of boiling water. Then strain and dilute with 3 litres of water. Pour it into a bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of glycerine. Take foot bath for 20 minutes, and then just wipe your feet with a towel. Take foot baths every day, if you have very dry skin or minimum three times in a week. Chamomile in combination with glycerol can show a good result in a short period of time.

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    Dissolve the blue clay in the water. Add a capsule of vitamin E, A, and a tablespoon of olive oil. Mix well and apply the mask on your feet for one hour. Do not forget to wear warm socks after the process.

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    Apply petroleum jelly to the heels. Put on simple cotton socks and leave it for 6 to 8 hours. This process can be done at night.

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    With regular carrying out of procedures your problem will be solved. But do not forget that your feet can be dry and hard due to vitamin deficiency.  So, go to a course of treatment with any multivitamin complex.

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