How to Configure Outlook Express with Hotmail

Accessing Hotmail through World Wide Web is quite easy and convenient but another efficient way to view your Hotmail data and check emails is to merge your account with your Outlook Express account. You can send a reply and receive emails through that. The comfort and speed of Outlook Express is admirable and you will not face any issue after amalgamating both accounts. Now instead of wasting your time to open a web browser and then visit the Hotmail Log in page to be logged in, you can save your precious time by accessing Outlook Express. Ease and less consumption of time are not the only benefits of Outlook Express and you can use the address book of Outlook Express for Hotmail or the other way around. You can also archive the incoming messages folder. The fun part is that you can write a nice reply by using the great stationary. A detailed procedure is explained in this guide to join Outlook Express and Hotmail together


  • 1

    Open your Outlook Express account and click on the Tool tab and from the drop down menu, select Accounts.

  • 2

    A new window will appear on your screen with a few tabs. Click on the Add New tab and then Mail.

  • 3

    Under the display name type your name and the click Next.

  • 4

    In the next step you will have to write your Email address and then click Next.

  • 5

    Select POP3 under My incoming mail server.

  • 6

    In the blanks displayed below you will have to type the text given below:

    In the Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server’s displayed field you will have to type:

    In the Outgoing mail (SMTP) server’s field you will have to type:

  • 7

    In the end click Next.

  • 8

    In the next window you will have to type your complete hotmail email address and your password.

  • 9

    Click Next and then click Finish.

  • 10

    Next you will have to highlight the new hotmail account, click on Properties and then click the Server tab.

  • 11

    Check the "My server requires authentication’s check box" and then go to the Advance tab.

  • 12

    Check "This server requires a secure connection (SSL)’s" checkbox and enter 25 under Outgoing server (SMTP) and 995 under Incoming server (POP3).

  • 13

    Click OK to save the changes and then close the window.

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