How to Deal with Bulimia Relapse

Bulimia is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating. A person with bulimia consumes a large amount of food at a single sitting, and then resorts to methods like vomiting and over-exercising when feelings of guilt regarding the high calories set in. Those with bulimia also suffer from low self-esteem and depression, making it quite a serious disease.

Relapses are a major setback when a person is attempting to get rid of bulimia. Relapses are weak moments when the person returns to his/her old routine. Dealing with bulimia relapses swiftly and effectively is important, so that there is no interruption in the road to recovery.


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    Relapses are common and expected:

    While planning the recovery, you must make exceptions and be prepared for any relapses, as they are an inevitable part of the recovery process. They are a major indication that the recovery plan is not working, and needs improvement. Therefore, there is no need to feel bad about your relapses; everyone who is fighting bulimia goes through a relapse or two, and it is perfectly normal. A relapse certainly does not mean going back to the old routine for good. It is just a minor setback and one can easily recover from it.

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    Improve the plan:

    The relapse can be a learning experience - take it as a chance to ask yourself some questions. Maybe you are under eating, and starving your body? Are you missing out on an important food type? Does the body get enough rest? The relapse is an indication that something is wrong. Identify the problem, so that you can prevent relapses in the future. For an effective treatment plan, your body should not be starved or exhausted. Such drastic actions only work temporarily, and are of no help in the long run.

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    Surround yourself with genuine people:

    Relapses can cause depression and induce feelings of failure and misery. At this stage of the recovery, it is important to keep sincere and genuine people around you. They could be friends and family who actually do care and are not superficial. Call them for help when you feel yourself getting weak, and on the verge of a relapse. Emotional support will help you overcome the weak moments and ensure a smooth recovery.

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    Support system:

    Try to get in touch with other bulimic patients going through the same ordeal in life. Sharing with each other will help strengthen the determination and help you deal with any relapses that come in the way. The key is to treat relapses as normal, expected, and short ‘slips’ that emerge from your mistakes during the recovery process.

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