How to Decorate Dreadlocks

Dreadlocks, also known as locks, a ras, dreads, or Jata are a form of primitive hairstyle. As a matter of fact, dreadlocks can be dated back to ancient Egyptian times.

Generally, dreadlocks are formed when long hair are not cut or brushed for a long period of time. When planning to decorate dreadlocks, there are number techniques one can take help from. As is the case with most hairstyles, there is no set rule for decorating dreadlocks.

Things Required:

– Beads
– Headband or bandanna
– Hair dye
– Elastic bands or hair sticks


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    One of the easiest ways to decorate dreadlocks is to use adornments. Consider threading and locking beads with a large enough holes through your dreadlocks. The technique for locking beads in place on thin dreads is to backcomb the hair beyond the bead and thus form a thicker dread. Another possible way to make the embellishments hold is to simply sew them in place.

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    You can also style your dreadlocks with a headband or bandanna. Using either of the two aforesaid items, wrap your dreads in such a way that your entire head is covered properly. If you choose this technique to decorate your dreadlocks, make sure that the wrapping item has a wide diameter whereas its length should be enough to wrap your locks.

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    Another alternate method to decorate your dreadlocks would be to dye them in a shade of your choice. Dying dreadlocks is quite identical to dying normal hair. Just make sure that a fair amount of dye settles onto the dreadlocks.

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    Consider using thick rubber bands or hair sticks (chopsticks) in order to updo the dreadlocks in a style of your choice such as pigtail, ponytail, twisted or pinned. It is much easier to updo dreadlocks as compared to normal hair.

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    Dreadlocks can also be braided for decoration purposes. Braiding dreadlocks is identical to braiding normal hair. Once the dreadlocks have been braided, consider adding adornments or wrapping the dreadlocks.

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