How to Install Firefox on PS3

You might think that it is a retarded topic and there is no single possibility that something like that can happen because PlayStation 3 is used for gaming and there is no operating system installed in it which can understand the language of installation files etc. However, you will be amazed to know that your limited thought is wrong and technology has advanced so much that a PlayStation 3 can be transformed into a Personal Computer.
Not impressed yet? You will be after you are done reading this whole piece. You can convert your PS 3 into a PC by installing software that will allow you to install any type of operating system like Windows, Mac or Linux. However, the million dollar question is that where will the software come from? I am sure that almost 95% of the software on the internet that claim to allow installing an operating system on your PS 3 are scams and it is because either they don’t work of they are just broken links, viruses of fake software.
So, in order to make sure that you don’t fall in the trap of the hacker, try to find out feedbacks available on the website and from those users that seem to be real rather some names like ‘hot_princess’ etc. For the time being, the software that I have found which solved the problem for me is PS 3 Magic. It is not a scam, fake or virus. It is recommended software that actually works and you can install an operating system with the help of it. Moreover, when Windows are installed, you can easily install firefox on that.
Google the software PS 3 Magic and download it on your system.
Burn the software on an empty disk or you can also copy the setup on your USB.
Insert the device that has the software in PS 3 and install the software.
Once the software is installed, you can install any operating system on PS 3 including Windows, Mac or Linux. I will recommend you go with Windows because it offers more support and is easy to navigate.
Browse the internet after installing windows. Download the setup of Firefox from the internet and install it.