How to Make a Makeshift Pillow

Makeshift pillows come in handy in emergency situations such as the time when multiple guests or friends plan to spend a night or two at your place and you simply do not happen to have enough pillows at home. Making makeshift pillows is simple and requires only basic sewing skills. The fact that you will be dealing with only two pieces of fabric makes the task simpler.

Moreover, you should choose fabric that matches the decor of your home and thus make sure that nothing seems out of place.

Things Required:

– 2 fabric squares
– Matching thread
– Needle
– Sewing machine (optional)
– Pillow batting


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    Purchase two identical fabric squares. They should not only be identical in dimensions but should be made of the same fabric as well. To save some time and effort, it would be a good idea to have the fabric pieces cut to the desired size at the fabric store. You would probably be charged a nominal fee for this extra work.

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    You now need to stitch the fabric pieces to each other. Starting at one of fabric sides, sew about half an inch from the edge. Before you start sewing, make sure that the right fabric sides are facing each other. Try to sew in a straight line with small and even stitches. This will make the final finish much more presentable. Continue in the aforesaid manner until three of the sides are sewn and only one remains open. Be sure to sew double seams at the corners to effectively increase the pillow’s life.

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    Turn the pillow inside out. To make the corners pop out, insert your finger into each of the pillow corners. Check for holes in the stitching of the sewn sides. Sew over the unstitched portions if required.

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    Make the pillow plump and squishy by adding pillow bedding to it. When you are satisfied, you will need to close the side that you had left open earlier. This can be accomplished by folding in about half an inch fabric along the open side and sewing. You can either sew the seams through hand or by using a sewing machine.

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    To equally distribute pillow batting, hold one side of the pillow and bang it against a flat surface.

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