How to Make a Sand Sculpture

People visit the sea during the summer to enjoy the sand and to spend some quality time with their families. The main activity that children and many adults are involved in while they are at the beach, is building sand sculptures. It is important to select a location to build your sand sculpture away from the crashing waves. You can make a sand sculpture with the help of a few tools and enjoy your time at the beach.

Things required:

– Plastic Buckets
– Chisels
– Spatulas
– Plastic Shovels
– Paint Brushes
– Seashells and Rocks (optional)


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    Design on paper

    First, make the design of the sculpture you want on paper. Pay attention to all the details and make any corrections you want in the process. This is important as you want to have a good idea of what you are going for and whether it is possible or not.

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    Gather all your tools

    Gather all the right tools that you may need to make the sand sculpture. You will require plastic buckets and shovels to make the design. In addition, tools like spatulas, chisels and paint brushes will also be needed.

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    Fill the bucket with sand

    You must start by adding wet sand to the plastic buckets with the help of a shovel. Make sure to level out the sand in the bucket so that it compresses and makes it a lot easier to handle. Once you are done filling the sand, place a hand on top of the bucket and turn it upside down to release the sand from it on the sculpture. You can use buckets of different shapes to give the sculpture a unique look.

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    Continue to add sand until it reaches the desired shape

    You must continue to use buckets of sand until your sculpture reaches the desired shape. Use spatulas, chisels and paint brushes to remove excess sand.

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    Decorate the sculpture

    In the end, decorate the sculpture with the help of everyday items that are in the house. You can also use seashells and rocks to add to the design.

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