How to Make Ghost Decorations for Halloween

Ghosts are the main party of the Halloween’s decorations and celebrations. From food items to roof hangers, ghost decorations can be found everywhere during the Halloween season. These unique decorations nicely create spooky environment. You will find the stores packed with the ghost decorations but making your own ones at home is not only fun but cost effective project as well. It shows your creativity and fine arts skills as well. Moreover, the nice comments of your guests and family members regarding your handmade ghost decorations for Halloween will definitely boost your inner fine arts handiness. So, follow the given below simple steps to make your own ghost decorations for Halloween:


  • 1

    Crafty Ghosts

    Take a tomato cage and secure its rounded prongs to look like head of a ghost. Now, thread the string lights through the tomato cage and fix them with the help of the twist ties. Take two old medium socks, fill them with cotton or newspaper and give them a round shape. Seal them and attach to two wooden sticks, using duct tape. Dig two holes on both sides if the tomato cage and fix the two sticks in them to serve as the arms of the ghost. Now, take a large piece of white fabric and draw the two eyes and mouth of the ghost on it. Gently drape it over the tomato cage and the two wooden sticks. Turn on the lights and enjoy your crafty ghost creating a scary environment.

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    Ghost in the mirror

    It is easy to create and creates an amazingly horrendous environment. Outline you favorite ghost shape on a frosted-glass window film and cut it out carefully, using a pair of small sharp scissor. Now, apply it to the specific mirror and smooth its surface with your hands.

    Note: The frosted-glass window films are cheap and easily available in the market.

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    Ghost Jugs

    These homemade ghost jugs are not only cute but enhance the overall Halloween theme as well. Take white gallon container or bottle and remove all kind of stickers on it. Grab a black or dark blue permanent marker and draw Ghost’s eyes and mouth on it. Make a medium hole at the bake of the gallon container, suing a sharp and pointed craft knife. Insert the string lights through the hole and turn on the light for a scary look.

    Note: Do not remove the cap of the white gallon container or bottle. It prevents the container from denting.

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    Ghost Chair Covers

    These spirited Chair Covers are super simple to make. All you have to do is, take some simple white chair covers and draw Ghost’s eyes on their back portion. Wrap your chairs with the ghost covers and welcome your Halloween guests to have a seat.

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    Glowing Ghosts

    These glowing ghosts look very attractive, enhancing your Halloween decorations.  Take few glow sticks and insert them into some white balloons. Now, blow air into the balloons and seal them thoroughly. Pick black marker make two ghost’s eyes a nose and the mouth on the air filled balloons. Now fasten these glowing ghosts to a wall of your house using a transparent tape or hang from the roof and lower the lights.

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    Make Ghost Desserts

    Your celebrations on Halloween remain incomplete if the ghost desserts are not listed. Make the nicely decorated Ghost Cookies and Ghost Cake on Halloween and have fun with your family. These Halloween treats are not only simple to make but super delicious as well.

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    Ghost Necklace

    Wear this creepy and stylish ghost necklace and grab the attention of your Halloween guests. Pick parchment paper and outline three ghosts on it, using white glue. Leave it for few minutes until dry well and then fill in more white glue. Set in a safe place for about two days until dry completely. Now, make ghost’s eyes and mouth on them with the help of felt-tip pen. Gently peel off the parchment paper and punch small holes on the three cute ghosts at the top.  Inset a necklace string into the holes of the three ghosts and wear this nice necklace around your neck.

    Note: You can use a pointed toothpick for making holes at the top of the ghosts.

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