How to Make Pole Bending Bases

Pole Bending is one of the types of horse racing in which a rider has to run his/her horse around six poles that are installed on the ground in a straight line with a spacing of 21 feet.

These poles are not installed on the ground, but a base is formed that is called pole bending base. They are round supports that are used to keep the poles upright but should be flexible to release the poles if a horse collides with it. In addition, these bases should be very low to prevent the horses from tripping over.

The pole bending bases are made up by professionals, but if you are looking to make one of your own by yourself, you can comfortably make the bases if you have the required equipments.

Things Required:

6 rubber feed pans, 4 quart size
6 pieces 2 1/2 inch diameter PVC pipe, cut into 4 inch sections
9 feet of 3/8 inch diameter nylon cord, cut into 6 separate 18 inch sections
18 inch board, 2 by 2 inches thick
1/2 inch wood screw
Drill with 2 1/2 inch hole bit and 1/2 inch bit
Concrete mix to fill 24 quart volume (Mixed according to manufacturer’s instructions)
6 PVC poles each 6 feet in length, 2 inches in diameter
7 PVC end caps, 2 inches in diameter (one for making base, 6 for pole ends)


  • 1

    Take the pan, and drill a hole in the centre of each pan. After drilling holes in the centre, drill two more holes at least 6 inches apart as well.

  • 2

    Tie a knot at one end of the nylon cord, and pass it through from the inside of the pan to the outside. Once you have passed the cord through the centre hole, and then pass it from the adjacent holes as well before inserting it back into the pan. Tie a knot at the other end of the cord so that the cord does not slip out of the pan.

  • 3

    Now take the PVC pipe flush, and position it over the hole of the pan. Close its bottom end with a PVC cap, and then attach a cap over the upper end as well. Mix concrete according to the instructions written on the manual. Now remove the cap board, and add concrete that will be able to hold up the pipe properly. Repeat the same process on all the other pans as well.

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