How to Make your Eye Stop Twitching

Constant eye twitch is not only annoying but can also be a socially embarrassing thing, especially in the company of formal acquaintances. Twitching happens when your eyelid muscle moves involuntarily without any control by you. It usually happens with the lower eyelid. Another time, it might just continue on for a long time and keep irritating you till you find a cure to it. Superstitions believe eye twitch happens when good amount of money is expected to come to you. However, according to Science, it is a result of malfunctioning of nerves. Some of the reasons which trigger twitching are stress, high intake of caffeine and exhaustion. This kind of twitching normally ends by itself in a short time but the one due to blephorospasm, a chronic condition, is more severe.  Our step by step guide has some suggestions for those annoyed with eye twitching and want to get rid of it.


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    One of the main reasons for minor eye twitching is fatigue. Take a warm bath and relax. Let your body regain back its vigour and refresh. Do not take stress and do something you enjoy like a hobby and meet people you love. Cover up on your sleep and take a break from things that ask for great eye focus like the computer and books. Maybe your eyes need rest. Give it to them.

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    Warm and massage:

    Warm a woollen cloth or towel. Press it to the twitching eye. Keep it on the eye and apply medium pressure for a while. After you take off the towel, use your middle finger to massage the eye lid gently in a circular motion. Repeat the process of warming the eye and massaging. It will soothe down your nerves and make the twitching stop. The strain on your eyes will also be reduced.

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    Eye drops:

    For twitches that do not disappear with the above two tips and continue for more than three days, you can try over the counter drops like antihistamines. These drops reduce the muscle imbalance and help against twitching.

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    Contact eye specialist:

    Some twitches remain persistent for a longer period of time and are more severe. Some are intense enough to affect half the face and the entire eye. Hey may be a result of any neurological malfunction or due to blephorospasm. For these, it is better to contact an eye specialist. Usually, doctors use Botox injections to put an end to twitches and relieve you of the annoying movement.

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