How to Pick Drive Time Music for a Radio Station

Being a Radio Jockey requires determination and passion for music. You need to understand the listeners and know when and what to play according to the time of your show. Playing slow songs early morning is a major mistake as people need to start their day with high pitched music to charge up. Similarly picking drive time music is something which requires deep thought, consider the songs which you want to listen to when you are driving to work or back home. Keep reading this article to make a great song selection for a drive time radio show.


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    The first thing is to have a hunger for music and be up to date regarding the latest songs out there.

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    Bring your own CDs or a flash drive with the songs you want to play. It is better that you filter a music list days before the show so that you can find the songs which you need.

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    If for some reason you are unable to get a particular song, ask the programme producer to see if your station has that song in the library.

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    Mix it up, you need to play old classics and new popular numbers. While you are not expected to play heart thumping beats, avoid very slow tunes.

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    The most popular songs on the charts are there for a reason and you must have some of them feature in your playlist.

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    Songs with mild beats need to be avoided. A mix of pop and rock music is what you need to be looking for.

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    Make a backup list of songs so in case if anything goes awry you can use the backup.

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    Experiment with the songs and play some remixes just to get the attention of the listeners.

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    Take extra care regarding the quality of the songs; choose the best quality audio files or else the song will not appeal to the drivers on the road.

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    Drive time music can also be used to calm the drivers, especially during rush hours, so try some mellow songs in between, especially during evenings.

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    If your show is an hour long, you need to mould the music list such that there is enough time between songs for commercial breaks and for you to talk to the listeners.

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