How to Visit the Bodleian Library

Located inside one of the most prestigious universities of the world, Bodleian library at Oxford is a sure treat for readers, researchers and literature lovers. The library is the second largest in Britain and one of the oldest in whole Britain. Another distinction of the library lies in the fact that it is one of the six legal deposits in the country which means that a copy of any book published and copyrighted has to be stored here. The library attracts a large number of scholars each year from all over the world, not necessarily attached to the Oxford University.


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    The library is open all through the week, from Monday to Sunday. The official holidays are Christmas, Easter and New Year. The library opens at 9 in the morning and closes at 5 in noon during Monday-Friday. On Saturdays, the timings are from 9-4:30 while on Sundays they are 11-5. You can buy tickets from the ticket office near the main gate at the library at the rate of 6.5 pounds.  Group tickets can be booked in advance while standard and individual ones can only be bought on first come first serve basis. Children between 11-16 must be accompanied by an adult.

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    A reader’s card can be obtained which makes you eligible for using the library’s resources and reference them. For students of Oxford, their university card serves as the reading card. For other students and researchers in UK universities, a form can be filled out at the website and admission office for the card. For other applicants, charges for the card may apply. Guided tours are also available. The library also provides copying and scanning facilities for visitors.

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    The library houses a collection of books and literature on a wide variety of subjects including science, classics and philosophy. It regularly holds exhibitions around different themes. You can also attend a lecture on a subject you are interested in, given by scholars of the university and external ones. The library also has a shop from where you can buy books and other educational material. However, borrowing at the library is only open for students of the Oxford University. The building of the library itself is an architectural masterpiece that is worth the trip.

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