How to Visit the Louvre Museum

Louvre is one of the most famous museums in the world. Located in Paris, France, Louvre is one of those museums that has a perfect blend of classic and contemporary design built to give a surprising effect. Housed in the Palais du Louvre or simply the Louvre Palace, it used to be a former seat of French royalty. The Palace was originally built during the medieval 12th century as a fortress before becoming a public arts music circa 18th century at the time of the French Revolution. Here, you will come across 35,000 pieces of artwork including works of people such as Da Vinci, Delacroix and Rubens.


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    Many people want to visit the Louvre in order to catch a glimpse of the famous smile that Mona Lisa’s portrait has. Then there are people who stand reverently for hours in front of the Venus de Milo. The place is a world heritage and is a must visit venue if you are lucky enough to be in Paris. However, bear in mind that Louvre is always bustling with activity and that there are a lot of people visiting the area on a daily basis which means that it will exhaust you.

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    Getting in the Louvre can be very irksome to say the least. During busy periods, it is better to avoid standing in long queues at the Pyramid entrance. The best way to avoid standing in long queues is by purchasing tickets in advance on the internet. Visit or call at 0033 142 313228 in order to book a place. The best thing about this is that there is no purchasing stamp on the tickets so you can come visit any time. Through this method, you will be allowed entry to the museum via the special entrance located in the passage Richelieu which is between the Place du Palais Royal and the Cour Napoleon.

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    A great way to get to see everything the museum has on offer is by breaking up your visit into several mini-visits in one day. Best days to visit the place are Mondays and Wednesdays and as tickets are valid all day long, you will be allowed re-entry.

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    If you prefer mini-visiting the museum over different days, it is better that you gain entry after 3pm when the tickets are cheaper and the place is quieter.

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    Months of June and August are the busiest as tourism is at its peak. However, you will still find some space for yourself if you visit after 3pm.

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    There are also three guided tours in English at two pounds.

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