Professional Networking Email

With the advancements in the field of information technology, professional networking has become a lot easier. There are many online websites which provide authentic platforms for companies to expand their professional network. Some services are free, but for some you have to pay a particular amount of money.
Writing a professional networking email is not easy as you have to explain everything in a concise but comprehensive manner.
In the first paragraph, you will write a brief introduction of your company and express the motive of your email. In the second paragraph, you will write the need for professional networking. In the last paragraph, you will end your email on a thanking note.
Sample of Professional Networking Email
Subject: Professional Networking Email
Dear Mr. Alonso,
We are writing this email to express that we would like to use your services to expand our professional network and to recruit competent professionals for our new project.
We are planning to start a new project for which we need engineers, managers and accountants. All individuals must be graduates with at least 3 years of experience in their respective field. In addition, we are also searching for a partner to invest in the project.
Your company is famous for providing professional networking services and we are hoping to receive positive response from your side.
If you have any other question, please feel free to ask.
Thanks a lot for your time.
Good day!
Chris Martin
Assistant Manager
Toppler Inc. -
Template of Professional Networking Email
To: [email address of the recipient]
Subject: [subject of the email]
Dear [name of the receiver],
We are writing this email to employ your professional networking services to recruit professionals for our new project in electronics business.
We manufacture home appliances which mainly include refrigerators, air conditioners and washing machine.
We are looking forward to expand our business operations by manufacturing new range of microwaves for which we are searching for competent graduates with relevant experience. You have been providing professionals to big companies for the last seven years and we would love to use your services. If you have any other query, you can contact us.
Thank you so much for giving us your precious time.
[Your name]
[Your designation]
[Your company’s name]