Is Your Love Life in the Dumps?

What can you do when your love life has lost its spark?

I am not a love doctor or a therapist but I believe that sometimes love loses its spark at times because we become complacent and take each other for granted.

This happens all too often, you find yourself burned out after a long exhausting day only to realize it’s your turn to cook dinner and bathe the kids, do the homework, clean the house, and don’t forget that you need clean clothes for work tomorrow!

For many of us this is an everyday occurrence! We are fried by the end of the day and don’t want to be bothered with anything extra because we just can’t handle it! This is especially true for the millions of those who are stay at home parents. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to get everything done!

Here are some ways to help with the burnout:

Cook meals ahead. They have cook books and even web sites that can help you plan out your meals so that all you have to do when you get home is re-heat. This way you are also cutting down on the times per month you eat out, which is expensive, but you can also ensure a healthy meal for your family.

Plan ahead for the next day. Get your clothing and possibly your children’s clothing ready, washed, ironed or whatever your routine. Don’t wait until that morning if possible. The longer you take to look for something the more its costing you, money wise, sanity and of course your time!

If the laundry is a problem for you pay someone else to do it. Seriously find someone who does this type of job or take it to the laundry mat drop it off and pick it up later. They do charge by the pound in most cases, but it doesn’t really matter the cost if it is saving your sanity.

Make sure you are spending some quality time with your spouse and the kids. Even if it means you only have a half hour to sit down with the kids and eat dinner, do it. That little bit of time does mean something.

Try and plan family nights with your kids and spouse, play games, watch a movie, go for a walk, do something you enjoy, but most importantly do it together.

Schedule a date night with your spouse. It sounds corny but you need to do it. Plan for the kids to be gone for awhile or over night, but spend that quality time together. Don’t allow yourselves to talk about work or your day. This can really ruin the mood. Try and remember why you fell in love with that person. Take them to dinner; bring a simple gift like a card, or flowers or a love letter. Be creative. Love takes work and you can’t expect that the other person is going to do all of the work!

Some ways that you can be creative are to surprise them with a date night when they arrive home from work. What is his/her favorite meal? Their favorite dessert? Surprising your loved one can be a wonderful thing that is if they like surprises. Use common sense and don’t plan a date when you know that they won’t be home until midnight due to work. They might be flattered but will probably want to go to bed.

Try finding activities that you can both do together. For instance, go to the gym, the library, a favorite coffee shop; try to remember what it was that brought you together in the first place. Finding out why you love that person to begin with is no easy step. Show genuine interest in them when they talk, be an active listener and show enthusiasm for what they have to say.

A lot of what makes love work is common sense, its respect and common sense. Creativity can go a long way and showing a woman just how much you love her by telling you that you appreciate her, and vice versa is a great start at rekindling your love.

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