Business Invitation Email

When you are looking to enhance your business ventures, you need the support of some other investors or companies to do so. You can invite different businesses to collaborate with your company so that a wider range of customers can be reached.

In the first paragraph, mention clearly that you are looking to collaborate with the company on a certain business level. In the second paragraph, clearly define the nature of your business and in the concluding text, ask the company you are inviting to a meeting or a summit so that they can reach to a decision.


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    Sample Business Invitation Email


    Dear Robert Peterson,

    We are writing this email to invite you for partnership in the new business we are planning to commence. Sun Technologies has introduced a wide range of software products in the market in the last few months and we require a partner who could help us in penetrating further.

    Sun Technologies has been a wide range supplier of software products in the country for the past 10 years and has developed a healthy customer base in this time period. We want your company, GML Solutions, to collaborate with us in our future projects so that both companies can reach a wider customer base and increase profits also.

    We would also like to inform you that our company is organising a summit for all our business partners in which we will give a thorough presentation of all our strategies and products. Kindly, visit the summit and let us know regarding the projects we are starting and give your views also.
    If you have any queries, kindly dial 8788997 for further information on the event.

    With regards,

    Lucas Morgan
    Director Marketing
    Sun Technologies

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    Template of Business Invitation Email

    [Email address of Recipient]

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing this email to invite you to commence a new business with our company ____________. It is stated that our company has started a new business which has a great success rate in today’s time and we like you to collaborate with us in this business venture.

    As you know, ___________ has been successful company in the _________ business and has proved its worth in the last few years. We invite you to a summit that our company is organizing on _________ to provide an overview of the new product.

    Contact us for any queries regarding the event.

    Yours sincerely,

    [Sender’s Name]
    [Sender’s Title]
    [Organization’s Name]

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