Condolence Email to Co Worker

The basic purpose of writing a Condolence email is to show your sympathy for your co worker who is spending a hard time because of the death of his father. This condolence email is a supporting piece of writing through which you show your co worker that you are with him.

In the opening paragraph, you should write down the reason that forced you to write this condolence email.

In the following paragraph, you should include all good memories that you have had with his father. You should add all those things that make his deceased father a great man.

In the final paragraph, you need to tell your colleague that you are with him at this difficult time and that he can rely on you if he needs any sort of help.


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    Sample of Condolence Email to Co Worker


    Dear John,

    I came to know about the sad news of your father’s death from one of my colleagues Mr. Nick Miller and I am really very sorry for this sad incident. I don’t have any words to express my grieve feelings for your father’s death.

    You father Mr. Michael Smith was a kind and decent man. I met him last week in the market and he treated me just like a son. I am really sorry for his death and we will never forget him. I wish that he may rest in peace.

    John, at this difficult time, please do not feel alone as I am always with you and will stay by your side. Please do not hesitate to ask for my help if you need any. Be courageous and pass on my sympathies to your family.

    With sincere sympathy,

    Graem Smith

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    Template of Condolence Email to Co Worker

    To: [Your co worker’s email address]

    Dear [Co worker’s name],
    It was very difficult for me to write this condolence email to you on the death of your wife [write name]. Words cannot express my grief over this sad incident but you have to be courageous to overcome your grief.

    You wife [write name] was a decent lady and a nice mother. She has been treating all of us with great respect and we will remember her for the rest of our lives. I pray that May her soul rest in peace.

    [Your co worker’s], please never feel that you are alone at this difficult time because I am always there for you.

    With sincere sympathy,

    [Your name]

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