Condolence Email to Customer

It is believed that people do not have any personal relations in the business world. It is completely wrong as all of us live in society and the string that binds us is called sympathy. That is why, it’s very important to console a customer to make him feel that you care for your clients beyond the business relationship.

Putting a few words of condolence on paper can be a really difficult task but you can do it by following some simple yet effective techniques. You must remember that being concise is the only difference between a letter and email so be strictly relevant.

First of all, you will have to put a valid email address in the relevant box followed by the subject of this email. Next, you should start your email with the proper salutation and then there will be the main point that you want to address.

You must not be formal so just come to the point straight away in the first paragraph. Make your addressee believe that you understand how he or she feels and offer your condolence in a nice manner.

If you know the deceased personally then there is no harm in sharing some memories and experiences. Include a few sentences to pay tribute to the deceased.

In the end, you will conclude your email by advising him or her to be strong and offering your help in this time of grief. Give the proper closing followed by your name before sending the email.


  • 1

    Sample of Condolence Email to customer:


    Subject: Few words of condolence

    Dear Mary,

    Early morning, I heard the sad news regarding the demise of your husband and I can’t tell you how devastated I am. There is no doubt that a few words can’t lessen the pain but they can assure you that you are not alone during this moment of grief.

    Though, I met him just once but I can say that Mr. Mitchell was really a saint and he loved you from the bottom of his heart. I can understand that it must be really difficult for you during this sad incident but you should be strong to take care of your kids.

    I hope and pray that your family bear this pain. May your husband’s soul rest in peace.


    Jenna Harner
    Ultimate Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

  • 2

    Template of Condolence Email to customer:

    To: [Email of the recipient]

    Subject: Few words of condolence regarding [name of deceased]

    Dear [Name of the addressee],

    I am sending this email to offer my condolence at the death of [mention the deceased]. Words are just words and they can never express the pain I feel after hearing this sad news. I just want to tell you that my heart aches for you.

    After knowing you, I can say that [name of deceased] was a really nice person and this must be a very trying time for you.

    However, you should act strong for your family. If there is anything I can do please feel free to contact me on [contact numbers].

    May [name of deceased] soul rest in peace.


    [Your Name]
    [Company’s Name]

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