How to Apply Chalkboard Paint Smoothly

Just about every child has tried to draw on their house walls at one point or another. This is because children are rather curios and fascinated by just about everything out there. As a result, it is every parents job to prevent them from writing on walls.

However, there is now an alternative to this. Parents can simply go on and get some chalkboard paint and apply it to sections of the walls in their children’s rooms. This will allow them to draw as much as they want on those areas, with the end result easily being dusted off. It allows children to practice their freedom, while helping the parents keep the house clean.


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    Clean wall

    Now before you apply paint to the wall that you want to turn into a chalkboard, the first step is to clean off the wall.

    You want to scrape off any excess things that are on the wall, and make sure that there is no dirt on the wall that could prevent the paint from sticking to it.

    At the same time, you want to remove all the items that were placed near or in front of the wall, so that you don’t get pain on your valuables.

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    The next thing you want to do is to set a perimeter off, so that you can push everything behind this area and avoid getting any paint on those things.

    It is smart to tape off the areas near by your paintable area, while it is also smart to cover all the other products in the rooms and on the floor.

    Another thing that you want to do is to place a lot of newspapers on the floor. These papers will make sure that you don’t get pain on your floor, which is going to be very hard to remove.

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    The last thing left to do is to apply the paint on the walls. This can be done in a very simple way. Firstly you need to apply one base layer of paint on the wall. This then needs to be followed by two or three more layers of paint, in order to completely cover the area.

    You need to then let the pain dry off completely, and once that is done, you need to apply one more final layer of paint, in order to get that impact that you were looking for.

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