How to De-Puff Eyes And Look Awake After a Late Night

Whether you stayed awake to party or spent the night with your nose buried in your books or laptop, a late night can sometimes be unavoidable, but the strain is usually very visible the morning after, in the shape of tired, puffy eyes. While you will still need to get out of bed and go about your daily life, there are a number of methods you can employ to de-puff your eyes, and make them look fresh, bright, and ready for a new day.

Things Required:

– Gel eye mask
– Frozen vegetables
– Hydrating, nourishing eye cream
– Light, neutral makeup


  • 1

    To start the de-puffing process, begin by applying a cold compress or eye mask. Puffiness is generally caused by excess fluids under the skin surrounding the eye area, and applying something cold to your eye will aid in boosting circulation and draining these fluids. For this purpose, you can either chill a gel eye mask in the refrigerator and then apply this for 10-15 minutes (make sure it does not have eye holes, so your eyelids benefit from it too), or apply a bag of frozen vegetables to your eyes (a bag of frozen peas will work best).

  • 2

    Once you have used coldness to get the circulation going, massage the skin beneath your eyes gently. For maximum impact, apply a hydrating, nourishing eye cream as you massage. Push the skin upwards as you massage with your fingertips in a circular motion, and move from the inner corners of your eyes (near the nose) to the outer corners (near your temples). Massage for around 8-10 minutes.

  • 3

    The puffiness should be visibly reduced by now, and to help the process along, take a warm shower. In addition to cheering you up emotionally, the warm shower will help relieve your physical tiredness, and put you in a better frame of mind, which in turn will show on your face. As you shower, direct the spray towards your face, so the force of the water can massage the area around your eyes, and the warm water can eliminate any remaining puffiness.

  • 4

    Finally, once you are dressed, apply some light makeup in neutral, illuminating shades, to give yourself a bright, luminous look. Do not use dark shades or heavy liners, as these will make any tiredness appear more pronounced. Instead, opt for bright shades with a hint of shimmer. Cover your dark circles with tinted moisturiser and translucent illuminating powder. Use natural colours for your lips, apply a beige liner, and finish the look off with a subtle dusting of bronzer, to give your face a healthy glow.

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