How to Design a Wrestling T-Shirt

The world is full of wrestling fans who love to buy t-shirts and various other accessories of their favourite wrestling stars. These wrestling shirts and accessories include names, images or both of different wrestlers due to which lot of people buy them to show their love and support for their favourite wrestlers. However, t-shirts bearing images and names of wrestlers do not come cheap and sometimes they do not have the design which a fan may be looking for. As a result of that several wrestling fans desire to design their own wrestling t-shirts, but they do not know how to do it. For such folks, we have provided some useful information in this piece with which they can design their own wrestling t-shirts. Moreover, the methods provided in this guide do not demand any special set of skills to design this kind of t-shirt. All wrestling fans need to do is follow some basic rules and a fine wrestling t-shirt will soon be laying in front of them.

Things required:

– Drawing or Photograph
– Scanner
– Computer with digital image editing program
– Fabric pen
– Newspaper
– Wax paper
– Clean cotton cloth
– Iron


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    Design wrestling t-shirt through computer

    First you should choose a drawing or photograph of your favourite wrestlers so it can be used for designing. Usually cartoon images or portraits are used for designing wrestling t-shirts, which can be easily downloaded or scanned in a computer. Use such a portrait or drawing to design the t-shirt. You also have to select colours for the image. However, photo should be of high resolution, as it will look way better than the rest when it gets printed on the t-shirt. While scanning the photo or image, make sure you scan it at 300 ppi or above to get the best result.

    After downloading or scanning the image open a new file in a digital image editing program then size its width to 11 and length to 8.5 inches. This size will be big enough to easily cover the most of the front area of the shirt.

    Then, open a new file and create a font style. This can be decorative or bold with vibrant colours. If for some reason you are unhappy with the font style options available in your program then, make your own on a paper and then, scan it or use vector art program to create it. Save the file.

    When you are done with the font, copy the photo of the wrestler or its illustration file and paste it in the first file that was sized 11 and 8.5 inches. Then, try various positions of the font style along with the image until you find the perfect setting for both. You can also change colours until the best combination is formed.

    After getting the desired colour combination and perfect position for the image and font, save the file and take its print out so you can tape it on the t-shirt to ensure that the design is perfect or not before ordering the shirt.

    You can print this design on the t-shirt by pressing it with the help of an iron, but if you want to achieve high quality result, then avail professional help in exchange for a small fee.

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    Design wrestling t-shirt through conventional hand drawing & fabric paint

    In order to design a wrestling t-shirt through conventional hand drawing, first you need to lay the shirt flat over a newspaper.

    Then take a piece of wax paper and put it inside the t-shirt in order to prevent paint from bleeding from the front side of the t-shirt to its back.

    Before starting the sketch select a wrestling design for your t-shirt. You can find some designs from the graphic edge, rival art and zazzle.

    After choosing a design from these websites, now draw it on the t-shirt with a fabric marking pen that should be washable so that its marks will disappear after getting washed. In addition to this the wrong drawn lines will disappear too so you do not need to worry about your mistakes.

    After drawing the design use fabric paint (acrylic) to fill it with a paintbrush (small). Perform the next step after the paint gets dry, this would take several hours.

    When the paint gets dry take a wet wash cloth and rub out the marks of fabric pen with it.

    Afterwards put a cotton cloth on the area of the t-shirt that has been painted. Remember the cloth should be clean.

    Now press this t-shirt by setting the iron on silk setting mode. While ironing the t-shirt, keep the cotton cloth between iron and shirt all the time. In this way the paint will settle down and it would not chip with the iron as well.

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