How to Do Knee Exercises for Seniors

Knees carry a lot of stress over the course of life and may need treatment later on. However, given that knee replacement surgeries are extremely expensive and painful, exercise and precaution is better than cure.
You can strengthen your knees by working out on your thigh muscles and hamstrings. Exercise does not only increase flexibility in the knees, it also enhances your range of motion by providing the right balance when you are walking or standing.
In order to avoid a painful old age, you must take care of your knees when you are young.
Strengthen the quadriceps
Quadriceps are muscles which are located at the front of your thighs. If your quadriceps are strong, they will naturally strengthen your knees, allowing them to work with more freedom. There are a number of simple exercises which can be performed to strengthen your quads.
Sit on a chair and straighten your back. Make sure that your feet are flat on the floor, with the heels firmly placed. Place your hands on your thighs or hold the chair. Now you need to raise your feet up but the heels (balls of the feet) must remain firmly on the floor. Do it for about 10 times each in three sets every day. -
Lift your legs
While sitting on a chair, lift your right knee to a level that your leg is straight and repeat this process for about 5 to 7 times. However, you must lift your knee very slowly and with extreme caution. If you feel pain in your knee, avoid stretching your leg too much.
Repeat the same with the left leg. Try to point your toes back towards your hand in this position and make an attempt to hold your leg there for about three seconds. You may find it hard initially but will get used to it with the passage of time. -
Sit ups
Most of the senior citizens are not able to do sit ups. However, they should bend their knees as much as they can and then stand up slowly. It is recommended that you go almost half-way (like a sitting position) and then stand. This will strengthen your legs and knees.