How to Engage Employees in Meetings

Employee’s meetings play a vital role in making policies for the development of the organisation or for resolving many issues. It is equally important at the same time that all employees in the meeting participate in the discussion and pay attention to everyone who is attending that meeting. However, sometimes a few people do not pay attention to the meeting that creates an annoying situation. The speaker needs to keep all employees engaged and he has to do certain things for that purpose. If you want to learn the tricks to keep employees engaged, then take help from this article.


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    First of all, you should send a formal email to all employees or verbally let them know about the time and agenda of the meeting. Insist them to come up with their ideas and contribute in getting desired results from the meeting.

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    Having some light food on the meeting table for refreshment purposes before the meeting is an effective way to keep the environment light and it helps in increasing the attendance of employees in meeting room.

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    As a speaker, try to start the conversation with something humorous or with a funny story which will make all employees engaged and then start talking on the real agenda of the meeting.

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    Keep all employees involved in the discussion and give importance to the ideas of everyone. It will help in getting attention of all employees and you will get desired results from the meeting.

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    You should convince all employees in the meeting that without their help, the issue will not be resolved. Give equal importance to everyone which will make all employees comfortable and they will participate in the discussion with greater level of responsibility.

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    If you think that a particular employee is absent minded or is not paying much attention to the meeting, then ask him or her directly about what he or she   thinks about the issue. It will help in making him/her engaged and he or she will not ignore the conversation anymore.

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    If meeting takes too long then you have to take break which will make all employees relax. Have some light food for refreshment which will keep all employees fresh.

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    Always listen carefully what an employee say and ask the opinion of others on that point. It will not only make that particular employee satisfied but will also help all others to talk on that point and in this way you will keep all employees engaged.

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