How to Gain Experience in Photography

For some, photography is a passion, for others it’s more of a profession. However the scenario might be, a good photographer always requires a great deal of experience in order to differentiate himself from the amateurs. Apart from the experience, the pictures that are taken by a photographer also make up his or her portfolio, which he/she can use to lure potential clients in to getting paid for his or her services.


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    Photography for Free

    Spread the word of mouth among your social circle that you’ve embraced photography as a profession or a hobby. Exhibit your work on your social networking profiles so that the people may come to know of your talent. Moreover, offer your friends and their contacts free photography services in order to develop your portfolio. This would help you in gaining more and more experience which you could show to your future clients.

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    Family & Friends

    Ask a good looking friend or family member, one who is good with expressions, to model for you. Their help could prove to be a major contribution in your work portfolio in the coming future. Furthermore, your understanding with your friend or family member could allow you to take pictures which other people might be shy to do so. The expressions and body language are some of the main attractions of the photograph and that you could easily communicate to the ‘model’ in this case, mostly due to your understanding with them.

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    If you have a friend who is getting married soon, ask them for covering their wedding. Friends really appreciate such gestures of friendship and this could benefit you both socially and professionally. Taking pictures of the bride, groom and their special occasion could provide with a vast collection of photographs for your wedding portfolio. Keep that in mind that weddings are more of a gold mine to photographers in which they comparatively have to work less and earn more. Therefore, having a wedding portfolio would help you attract more clients, which would mean more revenue for you to upgrade and buy equipment.

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    Don’t feel shy in taking random photographs. Go out for a walk with your camera and try to take pictures of anything that might get your interest. This spontaneous element sometimes leads you into taking great photographs.

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    Family events can also provide you valuable experience in terms of photography. Everybody would appreciate the idea of you taking their pictures for the event and would gladly ask you to do them. They will also try to provide you with the best possible angles for the shot and would even listen to what you have to say. This would help you in getting the desired result from your pictures which can make good additions in both your experience and portfolio.

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    Experimentation is the key to improve your photography. If you wish to add further improve in your results, you’ll need to experiment with your equipment and the possibilities in which you can take the picture.

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