How to Get Back With Your Ex on Valentine’s Day

Are you upset because of your recent breakup? Are you literally sick of everyone telling you that you are better off without him/her? Does everyone advise you to move on without understanding your painful condition? A breakup, especially if you invested a lot of time, is no doubt one of the most terrible experiences. Most of the times it leaves you in great pain and results in depression and frustration. However, what if it did not have to be over and you could win your ex back on Valentine’s Day this year?

Take advantage of this unique day, as there could not be a better time than Valentine’s Day to get your ex back in your life. Do not lose hope, as 90% of breakups are patchable; however, you have to do the right things at the right time. Get ideas from the steps given in this article and have your loved one back in your arms on February 14 this year!


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    Start with a Valentine's Day Call

    You might be thinking of a thousand unique ways to get your ex back but probably don't know how to start. Well, do not waste time as Valentine’s Day is around the corner and be the first one to call him or her on the special occasion. It will make him or her realize that you still give him/her importance and care. Try your best to keep your conversation casual though, and do not talk about your break up at any cost. However, be prepared for the situation where you ex can bring up the subject of the breakup. If it does come up, just admit your own faults and clearly lay out how you feel about him or her despite the issues.

    If you get a positive response from him/her, politely ask for a Valentine’s Day date so that you can arrange something unique to win him or her back.  If you are lucky enough to finally get a date, go through How to Make Valentine’s Day Special, Inexpensive Valentine’s Day Date Ideas and How to be Romantic on Valentine’s Day to make your date an unforgettable one. If however you don't get a very positive response, keep the call cordial and hang up after a while on a good note.

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    Send a beautiful card and bouquet

    If your ex is not ready to receive your call, then the best approach is sending a  beautiful bouquet with a heart-touching card along with it. Write a simple and beautiful message inside your Valentine’s Day card based on your true and sincere feeling towards him or her. Your card will make him/her realize how you still feel. Handmade Valentine’s Day cards can play a vital role in breaking the ice but funny cards are also great for making him/her smile. Check out How to Make Your Own Valentine’s Day Cards and do not forget your main agenda which is to get your ex talking to you again.

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    Remind him or her about the best moments of your relationship

    You can remind your ex about the best and most memorable moments of your time together as a couple. Although it is not an easy task as he or she is not ready to talk to you, you can make it possible by sending him or her a photo album containing your pictures together and a CD with music from your dates as a gift.

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    In a situation where a phone call and cards are not going to work to get your ex back, you might want to consider a genuine apology. Own up to your own shortcomings and convince your ex about your intentions to get the relationship back on the right track.

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    Promise change

    In case you were majorly responsible for the breakup, you can identify the cause and promise your ex that you will work on changing for the better.

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    Public Display of your love and affection

    Both men and women feel loved and wanted with public display's of affection. Therefore, don't hesitate in bending on your knees and presenting your ex with a rose to win her heart back. If you are a girl, you can hold his hand and ask him whether he thinks the relationship is worth another chance.


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    Continue your struggle to win him or her back

    Do not be emotional and remember one thing that just because its Valentine's Day does not mean your ex is going to magically fall back into your arms. Therefore, be patient not pushy and continue your struggle until you get your love one back in your life.

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