Professional Goodbye Email to Clients

Whether you are closing shop, relocating to another country, or leaving an organization, it is important to notify and communicate the same to your clients. Being a professional, it is not only your responsibility to inform them of such developments but also help them find replacements or alternatives if they rely on you.

When you are writing such an email, you will need to mix up a lot of things, including the farewell, appreciation, advice, suggestions and help with finding a replacement. In this guide we will tell you how to do all this and write a professional goodbye email to clients. A sample and a template are also provided for further reference.

Tips for Writing a Professional Goodbye Email to Clients

  • Ideally you should be sending this email a few weeks in advance
  • Maintain a professional tone throughout the email
  • Clarify why you are moving, closing or leaving a business
  • Appreciate your clients for their business
  • Suggest alternates and offer help
  • Sign off on a friendly note


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    Sample of a Professional Goodbye Email to Clients

    Subject: Important Message – We’re closing

    Dear Mr. Thomas,

    I must regretfully inform you that we are closing our New Town branch of Fantastico Fibers and will not be able to meet your orders after this month.

    As much as we appreciate doing business with you, the unfortunate state of the economy and low profit margins in this region have forced our hand. We now intend to focus solely on our main distribution branch in Clover State, and hopefully bounce back stronger.

    Your partnership with us has been invaluable and we appreciate your loyalty in sticking with us as your prime supplier. As a token of our appreciation, we would like to help you find another supplier in New Town, and if you require, we can forward you our recommendations.

    This message is being sent in advance to give you time for making the required arrangements before we actually close down at the end of June, 2014.

    If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us.

    Thank you again and goodbye.


    Collins Linder
    Sales Director
    Fantastico Fibers

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    Template of a Professional Goodbye Email to Clients

    To: [Email Address of Client]
    Subject: (We’re Closing/Moving/Important News)

    Dear [Client’s name],

    I am writing to notify you of (Our decision to close/move or my decision to leave) (Company name). It has truly been a pleasure doing business with you, and it is unfortunate that we/I are/am forced to make this choice.

    The main reason behind this decision is (Reason behind decision), but we/I would like to help you find a replacement supplier/producer as soon as possible.

    Kindly let me know if you need recommendations and references.

    Wishing you the best for your future endeavors.

    Thank you once again,


    [Your Name]
    [Your Company Name]

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