Simple Tips for Burning Fat

Drink cold water throughout the day. Make sure it’s cold; the thermogenic act of warming the water to your internal body temperature results in temporarily increased metabolic rate within 25-50 minutes of intake.
Eat healthier fats. Not all fats were created equally, and some fats actually help you burn bodyfat. Try to increase your Omega fatty-acid intake. You may want to invest in supplements for this, such as flax seed oil or fish body oils.
Increase your iron intake. Iron is a vital nutrient to your energy, as it aids in the transfer of oxygen. It is present in the blood, and, when you are deficient in it, you will feel sluggish, tired, and lazy. Lots of vegetables are good sources of iron. Oatmeal is also a good source, as are many nuts.
If you are going to exercise, do it in the morning, before you eat. Upon waking, you are just coming out of ‘hibernation mode’, and your metabolism will be down, and you’ll not have much (if any) food in your stomach. This is a good time to work out, as you increase your metabolism before breakfast.
Eat less salt. Salt makes you thirsty, and thirst is often partially interpreted as hunger, or the infamous ‘munchies’.
Hunger is often mistaken for thirst. Next time you feel like you may be hungry, drink a glass or two of water.
Increase your Vitamin A intake. Vitamin A has recently been discovered to be highly effective in building muscle and burning fat. This is because Vitamin A heightens testosterone levels, and testosterone increases capacity for muscle growth and fat burning.
People who are fidgetty burn up to 300 calories more per day than people who remain still. So, tap your foot, look around, hum, whistle. The more the better.
And an interesting tidbit: the brain is the only thing in your body that operates entirely off of fat. So, perhaps, this explains why you rarely see fat nerds?
You’ll have to pardon my lame attempt at dry wit.
Having read this, I hope you now realize, if you didn’t before, that you don’t need to change your lifestyle in the pursuit of your ideal body.
Simple changes lay the groundwork of further change.