Staying In: Seven Home-Based Date Ideas

Sometimes, you just don’t feel like going out. You’re tired, stressed from work, or simply don’t want to get dressed up. Staying in and having a home-based date can be just as fun and romantic as dinner and a movie, if you decide to do something special. If you’ve decided to stay in tonight, here are a few ideas for great home-based dates.

Home-Based Date #1. Play Board Games

Take a chapter out of your childhood and break out a stack of board games for the evening. Pour glasses of wine, stretch out on the living room floor, and enjoy your home-based date from opposite sides of a playing board. Not only is this a great way to pass time, but you can chat while you play and inspire a little friendly competition.

Home-Based Date #2. Barbeque for Two

You don’t have to have twenty people over for a BBQ outside. Instead, spend time cooking and talking, and then enjoy a nice dinner under the stars. A rose in a vase or a couple of candles can add just the romantic touch you were looking for in your home-based date.

Home-Based Date #3. Read Together

Sometimes it can be fun to share a little intellectual interest. Grab one book to take turns reading to each other or a couple books that you can discuss later on. Cuddle up under a blanket, perhaps in front of a fire, and spend the evening cuddled up together and reading.

Home-Based Date #4. Rent Movies

Rent just one or rent a bunch and stay up all night watching movies. You can get a variety of types so that all of your interests are covered, and cuddle up on the couch. Take time between movies to discuss plot and characters, and keep each other awake with a few well-placed kisses.

Home-Based Date #5. Garden

For a daytime home-based date, work in the garden! This is especially great if you both have green thumbs. Purchase a bunch of plants and go at it in the yard, digging up and arranging beds and maybe even planting a tree or two. This is a great home-based date because it gets you outside, but you can wear jeans and old t-shirts and ratty old tennis shoes.

Home-Based Date #6. Rearrange Furniture

This might sound silly, but it can be quite fun. This is especially entertaining if you live together, and want to spent time together without going out. Find new, wacky places to put your couches, desks, beds and coffee tables, and laugh when trying to move heavy furniture.

Home-Based Date #7. Paint a few Rooms

My wife and I used to do this all the time when we were dating; we would go to one another’s apartments and paint the walls. Sound stupid? It’s not. Use sponges or other funky ways to apply paint, and when you’re done, you can have a romp on the sheets you’ve spread over the floor.

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