The Secret of the Law of Attraction

What if I told you that you could earn as much money as you want, be as healthy as you want, get anything that you want, and be as successful as you want? This may sound like some sort of “get rich quick” scheme or some “airy fairy” New Age nonsense but it’s not. In fact it won’t cost you a dime and unless you consider The Bible to be “airy fairy” New Age nonsense, then you’ll know what I’m saying is true.

Now don’t stop reading, I’m not a “Bible-thumper” or Religious Zealot. In fact if you are an Athiest, you can practice this amazing Secret that’s been well-known for many centuries and passed from generation to generation. Even Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Leonardi DiVinci knew this amazing Secret. In fact, every successful man from Bill Gates to Donald Trump knows this secret and now I’m going to share it with you! It’s an amazing discovery I made about a month ago. I was reading about a website called “The Secret” ( and about the “Law of Attraction”. It seems that the Law of Attraction is much like the Law of Physics. It is a for sure, physical law that cannot be disproven. So what is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is simply put: whatever you wish for can be yours. Now that sounds really stupid. We’ve all heard of wishing wells and we all make wishes when we blow out the candles of our birthday cake, but there’s more to it than that. The Law of Attraction is about positive thinking, putting your mind inside of what it would be like to be successful, and obtaining your goals.

1. First concept in Law of Attraction. You must picture yourself what it would be like after you achieved your goal. Do you want to own a new car? Or how about get that raise at work you’ve been hoping for? Whatever it is that you’re wishing for, you must close your eyes and imagine the wish has already came true. Imagine how it would feel and how it would sound or even smell. Just imagine yourself after your wish has occurred for 30 seconds.

2. Second concept in Law of Attraction. Don’t worry about the “when” or even the “how”. Just know that your dream or wish will come true. Don’t try to imagine how you’re going to make it come true, just imagine that you WILL have it come true. No matter how big! Let’s say you want to be a rockstar! Imagine yourself surrounded by your fans, in great wealth, and having fame. Now tell yourself, “I WILL be that rockstar”. I will do it! If you keep thinking this way as if there is no other option except to be a rockstar, then you will be amazed. The Law of Attraction will make it so! You cannot fail! You will begin to materialize the steps that need to be taken to achieve this fame and fortune and paths will open up. IF you continue to believe and think you will be a rockstar!

3. Third concept in Law of Attraction. When you think about doubts, you bring doubt. So let’s say in your quest for becoming a rockstar you think to yourself “well this hasn’t happened in 6 months, this doesn’t work!”. Well remember I told you that EVERYTHING you think about will come true! So if you’re thinking it doesn’t work then that will be the truth. You must think of no other option except that it will work! Not that it’s going to work or that it’s a miracle…’s just what IS. Act as if there is no option to fail, as if you don’t have another choice BUT to succeed!

4. Fourth concept in Law of Attraction. Don’t sabotage yourself! If you see an opportunitiy to make your dream come true, take it! You must receive you dream in order for it to come true. If the Universe is handing you your dream on a platter, accept it! Don’t be afraid to succeed or procrastinate about it – time waits for no one!

The Law of Attraction is very mysterious. No one really knows how it works, however it DOES work! As Henry Ford once said: “Whether you think you can or you can’t, either way you are right.” As it says in the Bible: “Seek and ye shall find” and “Ask and it shall be given you”. So just imagine yourself after your goal has been obtained and imagine yourself in those surroundings and it will materialize!

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