How to Plan a New Year Eve’s Wedding

You can have the best New Year Eve’s party by having your wedding on that day. With fireworks in the background and all your loved ones close to you, you can actually enjoy the most romantic wedding; something which you have always wanted. However, due to several last minute issues, you must start planning your New Year Eve’s wedding at least three to four months in advance.


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    Since many venues might be reserved for New Year Eve’s party, you should reserve your ceremony and reception locations at least a year in advance, if it is possible for you. Give your guests the time of around 8:00PM so once they start rolling in, they can actually celebrate the New Year at 12:00midnight.

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    Before you start sending notifications regarding your wedding, let your guests know that they should save the upcoming New Year Eve for you. Since it’s a holiday, people might have certain plans and they will have to cancel them if you don’t inform them in advance. Try to do this as soon as you have confirmed the reservations.

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    Since guests will be eating late during the night, you should plan out the food perfectly. Make sure that you include snacks, food and drinks for starters. They can have appetizers whenever they want, but the main course must be served at 12:00midnight.

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    Once everything is set, you should plan out the colours for the wedding. The colours do not only relate to the venue but also the people who will be present at the wedding. Make them wear the same colours as the overall look of the wedding looks great. Since it’s a New Year’s Eve, you can always opt for a black tie event.

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    Start sending invitations to your guests at least 3 months prior to the wedding.

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    Always plan the flowers and decorations for the wedding as well. In case you are opting for a black tie theme, as mentioned before, then go with a blend of red and white roses. Add noise makers, party hats and confetti to the things which must be a part of your party since you are amalgamating a New Year party with a wedding.

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    The party accessories should go hand in hand with not only the wedding, but also the New Year Eve’s theme. You can include champagne bottles, good music, bells and even fortune cookies.

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