Promotion Announcement Email


A promotion announcement email is an official correspondence which details the promotion of an employee in an organization and informs every staff member of the same. Such emails are typically circulated by the HR Manager and include certain key points.

While the employee being promoted might already be aware (due to evaluations and interviews), the email can also be addressed to him/her with the rest of the staff copied. Or you could simply send the email out to everyone in your workplace.

Here we will show you how professionals write promotion announcement emails and also provide you with a sample and a template you can follow.

Tips for Writing a Promotion Announcement Email

  • Keep the email to the point and maintain a cordial tone
  • Congratulate and appreciate the employee who has been promoted
  • Let other employees know about the promotion and also convey any changes in the hierarchy or responsibilities
  • Clearly mention all designations to prevent any confusions
  • Invite any questions or concerns before ending the letter


  • 1

    Sample of Promotion Announcement Email

    To: All Employees
    Subject: Promotion of Mr. John Robert to Business Development Manager

    Dear All,

    We are pleased to announce the promotion of Mr. John Robert to the position of Business Development Manager, effective May 29, 2014.

    In this new position, Robert will be reporting directly to Chief Executive Officer of XYZ Private Limited.

    As you all know, Robert has been with us for the past 12 years, performing outstandingly in the Marketing Department. During this tenure, he has also held the positions of senior sales manager and marketing executive. His colleagues know him for his decision making abilities and team player attitude.

    Robert’s new responsibilities will be focused on the coordination, development and implementation of processes necessary to ensure the successful launch of XYZ Private Limited’s products in the market. His primary directives will be to monitor and manage the movement of products and maintain a high level of quality control standards for the company.

    Congratulations Robert! We anticipate many more successes in your new position.


    Andres Mason
    Human Resource Manager
    XYZ Private Limited
    123 North East Lane
    Alpharetta, GA 3456
    (770) 1223-89494 (Office)
    (770) 4826-28496 (Fax)

  • 2

    Template of Promotion Announcement Email

    To: [Email Address of Recipient/Promotee]
    Cc: [Email Addresses of Recipients]
    Subject: Promotion Announcement for [Name of the employee who has been promoted]

    Dear [Name of Recipient/Promotee],

    It is a great pleasure to inform you that you have been promoted to the position of [New Designation], effective [Effective date]. In this new position, you will be reporting directly to [Name of supervisor].

    This promotion is a result of the excellent work you have done for [Name of the organization]. The management is very confident that you will get into the thick of things quickly and learn the ropes of your new position to contribute to your department’s effectiveness and the company’s growth.

    In this new position, you will be [mention all the new responsibilities and duties of the promoted employee].

    Congratulations on your achievement and wish you all the very best in coming years.

    Best Regards,

    [Yourl Name]
    [Your signature]
    [Company Name]
    [Company Address and Contact Information]

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